Delivery policy

Free delivery in Denmark

We deliver free of charge in Denmark with DAO Pakkeshop if you buy over DKK 499.

delivery time

Your order will be processed within: 1-3 working days

After that, expected delivery time: 1-3 working days

Delivery method

You have the option to follow your package via track & trace from the time it is sent until it is delivered. You can choose between the following shipping options with DAO Pakkeshop.

If you book a weekday before 16.00, your order will be sent the same day and delivered the next day. Reservations are made for busy periods where there may be a longer delivery time.

Separate deliveries

If your order consists of several items, we reserve the right to make separate deliveries. Separate deliveries may be required if certain items are delayed or out of stock at the time of order. You will be informed that your order is subject to separate deliveries. You will not be charged additional delivery costs for separate deliveries.

Lilla Villa

Lilla Villa